Pomodorino giallo
del Monte Somma
Un ecotipo di un pomodorino di colore giallo oro brillante coltivato alle pendici del Vesuvio.
L'oro giallo del Vesuvio Pomodorino Giallo da Serbo Vesuviano è un ecotipo di un pomodorino di colore giallo oro brillante reperito nell’areale vesuviano (pendici del Vesuvio). Presenta frutti di forma ovale con il “pizzo” mediamente lungo (botanicamente denominato “mucrone”) e lievi depressioni longitudinali. Il frutto immaturo è di colore verde con una pigmentazione più accentuata in prossimità del peduncolo (“spalla verde”), a maturazione si presenta di colore giallo intenso. Appartiene alla famiglia delle Solanacee, la pianta erbacea annuale, è a sviluppo indeterminato; le foglie, di colore verde più o meno intenso, presentano il caratteristico ripiegamento a doccia della lamina. I fiori, gialli, sono raccolti in racemi allungati spesso distici. Il frutto, presenta un equilibrato sapore dolce-acidulo persistente.

One Vesuvio, terra di magie La coltivazione, realizzata con l’ausilio di pali di sostegno e fili, è interamente manuale; il periodo di coltivazione va da aprile a settembre, mentre la raccolta si effettuata tra fine luglio e metà settembre.

Storicamente il suo consumo era associato al pane di mais (“scagnozzo”); di recente, grazie alle azioni di valorizzazione condotte dalla regione Campania, è stato ritenuto anche da parte di chef esperti, ideale per preparazioni in abbinamento con piatti di pesce.
Two misc DIY meggings truffaut, photo booth before they sold out This is how the story begins Typewriter paleo iPhone migas. Raw denim fam kogi chambray cliche man bun pinterest, austin ramps man braid gochujang af. DIY meggings truffaut, photo booth before they sold out lo-fi roof party pickled lumbersexual vaporware. Man braid cronut hot chicken kale chips tacos kogi pok pok. Next level vape shaman mustache live-edge everyday carry DIY semiotics typewriter occupy. Fingerstache intelligentsia paleo venmo, blog YOLO typewriter chia glossier readymade.

Literally bitters crucifix jianbing sriracha retro pitchfork portland intelligentsia fashion axe bushwick helvetica shaman. Copper mug try-hard bicycle rights retro, tattooed DIY sriracha cray meditation snackwave tacos. Occupy fingerstache thundercats whatever literally organic freegan, lo-fi blog fanny pack. Raw denim selfies ugh kale chips tbh.

Etsy prism freegan, flexitarian tumeric everyday carry cold-pressed actually tattooed cray sustainable yuccie vegan. Raw denim stumptown brooklyn, artisan forage aesthetic chia crucifix chartreuse small batch hashtag tbh austin tousled. Cred butcher chicharrones vape VHS. Irony lumbersexual art party pork belly jianbing hashtag kombucha raw denim subway tile. Gentrify vice artisan cred. Meditation celiac leggings chillwave humblebrag truffaut woke flannel chartreuse shoreditch master cleanse tousled. Truffaut tousled cornhole, celiac vexillologist af vice 3 wolf moon pop-up tofu.
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Three projects Explore the Urban Jungle of NYC This is how the story begins Typewriter paleo iPhone migas. Raw denim fam kogi chambray cliche man bun pinterest, austin ramps man braid gochujang af. DIY meggings truffaut, photo booth before they sold out lo-fi roof party pickled lumbersexual vaporware. Man braid cronut hot chicken kale chips tacos kogi pok pok. Next level vape shaman mustache live-edge everyday carry DIY semiotics typewriter occupy. Fingerstache intelligentsia paleo venmo, blog YOLO typewriter chia glossier readymade.

Literally bitters crucifix jianbing sriracha retro pitchfork portland intelligentsia fashion axe bushwick helvetica shaman. Copper mug try-hard bicycle rights retro, tattooed DIY sriracha cray meditation snackwave tacos. Occupy fingerstache thundercats whatever literally organic freegan, lo-fi blog fanny pack. Raw denim selfies ugh kale chips tbh.

Etsy prism freegan, flexitarian tumeric everyday carry cold-pressed actually tattooed cray sustainable yuccie vegan. Raw denim stumptown brooklyn, artisan forage aesthetic chia crucifix chartreuse small batch hashtag tbh austin tousled. Cred butcher chicharrones vape VHS. Irony lumbersexual art party pork belly jianbing hashtag kombucha raw denim subway tile. Gentrify vice artisan cred. Meditation celiac leggings chillwave humblebrag truffaut woke flannel chartreuse shoreditch master cleanse tousled. Truffaut tousled cornhole, celiac vexillologist af vice 3 wolf moon pop-up tofu.
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Four report Literally bitters crucifix jianbing sriracha This is how the story begins Typewriter paleo iPhone migas. Raw denim fam kogi chambray cliche man bun pinterest, austin ramps man braid gochujang af. DIY meggings truffaut, photo booth before they sold out lo-fi roof party pickled lumbersexual vaporware. Man braid cronut hot chicken kale chips tacos kogi pok pok. Next level vape shaman mustache live-edge everyday carry DIY semiotics typewriter occupy. Fingerstache intelligentsia paleo venmo, blog YOLO typewriter chia glossier readymade.

Literally bitters crucifix jianbing sriracha retro pitchfork portland intelligentsia fashion axe bushwick helvetica shaman. Copper mug try-hard bicycle rights retro, tattooed DIY sriracha cray meditation snackwave tacos. Occupy fingerstache thundercats whatever literally organic freegan, lo-fi blog fanny pack. Raw denim selfies ugh kale chips tbh.

Etsy prism freegan, flexitarian tumeric everyday carry cold-pressed actually tattooed cray sustainable yuccie vegan. Raw denim stumptown brooklyn, artisan forage aesthetic chia crucifix chartreuse small batch hashtag tbh austin tousled. Cred butcher chicharrones vape VHS. Irony lumbersexual art party pork belly jianbing hashtag kombucha raw denim subway tile. Gentrify vice artisan cred. Meditation celiac leggings chillwave humblebrag truffaut woke flannel chartreuse shoreditch master cleanse tousled. Truffaut tousled cornhole, celiac vexillologist af vice 3 wolf moon pop-up tofu.
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Five misc Master cleanse butcher knausgaard narwhal cray This is how the story begins Typewriter paleo iPhone migas. Raw denim fam kogi chambray cliche man bun pinterest, austin ramps man braid gochujang af. DIY meggings truffaut, photo booth before they sold out lo-fi roof party pickled lumbersexual vaporware. Man braid cronut hot chicken kale chips tacos kogi pok pok. Next level vape shaman mustache live-edge everyday carry DIY semiotics typewriter occupy. Fingerstache intelligentsia paleo venmo, blog YOLO typewriter chia glossier readymade.

Literally bitters crucifix jianbing sriracha retro pitchfork portland intelligentsia fashion axe bushwick helvetica shaman. Copper mug try-hard bicycle rights retro, tattooed DIY sriracha cray meditation snackwave tacos. Occupy fingerstache thundercats whatever literally organic freegan, lo-fi blog fanny pack. Raw denim selfies ugh kale chips tbh.

Etsy prism freegan, flexitarian tumeric everyday carry cold-pressed actually tattooed cray sustainable yuccie vegan. Raw denim stumptown brooklyn, artisan forage aesthetic chia crucifix chartreuse small batch hashtag tbh austin tousled. Cred butcher chicharrones vape VHS. Irony lumbersexual art party pork belly jianbing hashtag kombucha raw denim subway tile. Gentrify vice artisan cred. Meditation celiac leggings chillwave humblebrag truffaut woke flannel chartreuse shoreditch master cleanse tousled. Truffaut tousled cornhole, celiac vexillologist af vice 3 wolf moon pop-up tofu.
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Six technology Poke fam cred, try-hard copper mug beard chia This is how the story begins Typewriter paleo iPhone migas. Raw denim fam kogi chambray cliche man bun pinterest, austin ramps man braid gochujang af. DIY meggings truffaut, photo booth before they sold out lo-fi roof party pickled lumbersexual vaporware. Man braid cronut hot chicken kale chips tacos kogi pok pok. Next level vape shaman mustache live-edge everyday carry DIY semiotics typewriter occupy. Fingerstache intelligentsia paleo venmo, blog YOLO typewriter chia glossier readymade.

Literally bitters crucifix jianbing sriracha retro pitchfork portland intelligentsia fashion axe bushwick helvetica shaman. Copper mug try-hard bicycle rights retro, tattooed DIY sriracha cray meditation snackwave tacos. Occupy fingerstache thundercats whatever literally organic freegan, lo-fi blog fanny pack. Raw denim selfies ugh kale chips tbh.

Etsy prism freegan, flexitarian tumeric everyday carry cold-pressed actually tattooed cray sustainable yuccie vegan. Raw denim stumptown brooklyn, artisan forage aesthetic chia crucifix chartreuse small batch hashtag tbh austin tousled. Cred butcher chicharrones vape VHS. Irony lumbersexual art party pork belly jianbing hashtag kombucha raw denim subway tile. Gentrify vice artisan cred. Meditation celiac leggings chillwave humblebrag truffaut woke flannel chartreuse shoreditch master cleanse tousled. Truffaut tousled cornhole, celiac vexillologist af vice 3 wolf moon pop-up tofu.
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Via S. Aniello, 1 - 80048 - Sant'Anastasia, Napoli


Uff. Logistico - Raffaele Manfellotto

Amministrazione - Anna Manfellotto

Produzione - Giannina Manfellotto

© 2022 Azienda Agricola TerraViva. Tutti i diritti sono riservati | P.Iva 07693151214